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IoTize Studio configuration software allows you to:
  • Edit, test and transfer configuration data used by the TapNLink module (also referred to as the Tap).
  • Automatically generate HTML pages to monitor your target system (using Tap Manager).
  • Automatically generate an Ionic App (APK/IPA) to monitor your target system (using App Generator).
  • Set options used to connect your Taps to IOT platforms (IoTize Primer Cloud Platform in the case of the Primer).
  • Use the JVM to perform Edge computing, data handling and logging, configure access to cloud services a,d program and control sensors and actuators.
  • This user manual covers TapNLink, Tapioca and TapNPass product lines.
  • When an option is restricted to one product line, it is indicated.
  • We strongly advise you to set the type of target at the very beginning:
  • Expand the menu IOTZ Explorer (upper left).
  • Under Duetware Configuration expand General Settings, click on Tap.
  • Set the Type of target option:
  • A dedicated section recaps the options pertinent only for TapNPass.

    IoTize project structure

    The core concept for IoTize Studio is the notion of project (.iotz extension).A project is a "master configuration file", which configures IoTize solution components: Tap, Smartphone monitoring application, IOT platform connectivity modes and JVM. Project examples are in the installation directory.

    Project information is split into:

    Tap configuration:
    • is stored in a dedicated file (.xml or .izsc)
    • can be read from a Tap by IoTize Studio (Main menu | Tap | Check Configuration | Check in Tap)
    • can be written to a Tap by IoTize Studio (Main menu | Tap | Write Configuration | or button Configure)
    • covers all settings used by your Tap to perform:
      • monitoring: IDs and address of variables to read or write, security information, pairing
      • data logging: bundles to log and check related frequency
    IoTize Primer Cloud services configuration
    • stored in a dedicated configuration file (.cloud) which is sent to the cloud platform by IoTize Studio (via the Main Menu | TapCloud | Publish HTML)
    • Covers settings used by your Tap to perform:
      • data logging settings (choice of bundles to log in, frequency)
      • visualization settings used by the IOT platform (IoTize Primer Cloud Platform for Primers)
      • for TapNLink Primer, these options are automatically managed based on the IoTize end-to-end architecture (which includes a MQTT broker and IoTize Primer cloud services).
      • for the standard TapNLink, you need to implement your own architecture. Contact IoTize.
    Mobile App settings
    • type of application: IoTize 'Tap Manager' HTML Web Pages/Generated App/ CUstom. Refer to UserManuals/MobileDevelopment for more information about these different choices.
    • options related to the location and deployment (publishing) of your mobile HTML pages or the generated 'Mobile App'.
    IoTize Studio settings
    • options related to the connection of your Tap with IoTize Studio.
    • log options (verbose level, log file).

    IoTize Studio GUI

    IoTize Studio GUI windows:

    Can be undocked, moved, resized, overlapped and closed.

    Their visibility is controlled from View | Toolbars and Docking Windows. The only exception is the Web Viewer which occupies any free space and cannot be closed.

    IoTize Studio windows:
    • 1a. Configuration pane
      • IoTized Application contains: Target System, Tap, Incoming communication (Wireless), Mobile App, and IoT Platform (MQTT).
      • Studio contains general information about the project name and the tap connection.
      • Bundles contains information about the resources to be accessed on the target.
      • Profiles contains profiles (pre-defined and custom).
    • 1b. Properties pane: properties of the element selected above.
    • 1c. Contextual help of the property selected above.
    • 2a. Resources View pane:
      • Symbols refers to addresses in your target application, and can be:
        • retrieved from your ELF file (defined in your C or Assembler source file).
        • retrieved from the SVD file (System View Description) provided by MCU vendor.
          • complies with CMSIS/ARM specification.
          • can be obtained from ARM website after (free) registration.
          • allows to select MCU registers as variables.
        • defined directly by the user in IoTize Studio.
        • from an XML file (.svd compliant) or a CSV file for ModBus target protocol.
      • Features provide complementary ways to access Target resources:
        • like symbols, they can be attached to bundles and profiles.
        • the built-in HTML page generator is NOT relevant for features.
        • example : direct SWD can be used to re-program your target application or remote debugging, for example from RIDE (the Raisonance development environment).
    • 2b. Properties pane: properties of the resource (symbol or feature) selected above.
    • 2c. Contextual help of the object selected above.
    • 3. Web Viewer (used by the built-in HTML page generator).
      • displays the current HTML page when a profile is selected. This display only applies if:
        • you set the option **App Type** = **IoTize Type Manager app** in **IoTized Application** | **Mobile App**.
        • you set the option **Automatic Web site generation** = **Yes** in **Studio**.
      • refer to [Mobile Development](../../UserManuals/MobileDevelopment) for a detailed description of the built-in HTML page generator.
    • 4. Output View: displays messages such as configuration errors, inconsistent element detection, tap successfully configured (you can adjust the verbose level).
    • 5. Online help.

    You can access the JVM Editor from the View Menu in the upper bar menu.Furthermore you can adjust the default display of the IoTize Studio here as well.

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