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Product lines

Two product lines allow you to discover Iotize's products:

  • TapNLink modules that are to be integrated (OEM) into electronic products. These modules can be easily connected to any microcontroller (MCU).

  • Tapioca and TapNPass gateways that connect to existing products via standard wired links (modbus-RTU or TCP, CAN, etc.).

But these two product lines share the essentials:

  • The same firmware called Duetware,

  • The same Iotize Studio configuration tool,

  • The same software workshop for creating/generating mobile applications,

  • The same Tap Manager and other utilities that allow you to test Apps or create Cloud platforms,

  • The same Java virtual machine with the same associated tools.

So a single No-Code / Low-Code solution that applies to two very different product categories. In the end, the differences will mainly concern the answer to the question 'how do I connect to my electronic equipment'.

In the following Getting Started sections, a TapNLink module will be used as support. More precisely, the target will be the STM32-based board that comes with the TapNLink Primer kit.

Note: Recently, the TapBUS family was introduced. It is made up of several IO modules for data acquisition, but these products can be considered as belonging to the Tapioca series: again, they have the same firmware and share the same tools.

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