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Firmware Update

Tap Manager can perform firmware updates on your registered Taps and / or generate the firmware update files, if you have to use other methods to update your Taps.

In order to update the firmware of your Tap device, you need to have your Taps properly registered. See this guide to learn how to register Taps.

Once registered, you will be able to perform firmware updates with the Tap Manager web application, within IoTize Studio or with the Command Line Interface tool

Updating the firmware is a standard lwM2M command that can be run by any incoming protocol:

  • NFC, BLE, WiFi ...
  • UART if you perform the update at the production stage,
  • MQTT for a remote operation. Updating through MQTT takes typically 30 minutes, but it can be done in background.

Note that a Tap reset will be performed after uploading the new firmware in order to take it into account.

Tap Manager

Update directly with Tap Manager

If your PC is BLE enabled with Windows 10 (version 10586 or higher) and Chrome (or the latest versions of Edge or Opera), connect to the Tap via IoTize Cloud and do the following:

  1. Open the menu and click on the Firmware Update button.
  2. The first step verify your device connection
  3. You are prompted to login as admin (default password admin).
  4. Check the Serial number is your Tap. Click Next.
  5. Select where to get your firmware update from: Use Firmware Update Generator Server.
  6. Sign in to your Cloud Account.
  7. Select the latest firmware version available for your product (or some other version).
  8. Click on Load to device.
  9. You can see the progression steps of the update. Expect about 5 minutes to perform a complete firmware update through BLE.
  10. Then you get a message Device is restarting, followed by a success message.

Your device is now up-to-date with the latest firmware.

Generate Firmware Update file

From your IoTize Cloud account:

  • Go to the 'Devices' page and select one of them:
  • Click on the Firmware update button and select the version by clicking on the DOWNLOAD button:

This file can be used by IoTize Studio or the Command Line Interface to perform the firmware update (See below)

IoTize Studio

Generate Firmware Update file

IoTize Studio can connect to your TapCLOUD account and download the latest firmware update available to your Tap. If you need a specific firmware version, generate it from the Tap Manager web app.

  • Open your project with IoTize Studio, and check the connection to your Tap. This will allow Studio to ask for the specific Firmware Update file for your current Tap
  • Click on Configuration | Generate Firmware Update File to download the latest firmware update for your Tap.If you are not logged in on IoTize Studio, you will be asked for your IoTize Cloud credentials.

You will find the file in the 'tmp' directory of the project folder.

Update from a Firmware file

  • Check the connection to the Tap you wish to update.
  • Click on Configuration | Update Tap Firmware, and select your Firmware file.
  • Check the update status in the output view of IoTize Studio.
  • Once it is done, check again the firmware version in the Tap.


For the command-line solution, follow the instructions below:

  1. After downloading the update file from either from Tap Manager, or from Studio, if it is in a zip archive, unzip it. When dowloaded from Tap Manager, you have to rename the 'tapnlink' file with .izsp as suffix (e.g. tapnlink.izsp).

  2. Type cmd in the Search or Run line, and press Enter.

  3. Type iotize_pgm for a complete list of available commands.
  4. Type cd pathname\directory\folder to the folder of the update file.
  5. Apply the update file:
  6. In Socket, type: iotize_pgm GS,<IPAddress> U<Filename.izsp>
    For example: iotize_pgm GS, UTAP_1.1_ESP32_NFC_WIFI_BLE.izsp
  7. In BLE, type: iotize_pgm GB,<BLEAddress> U<Filename.izsp>
    For example: iotize_pgm GB,C1:6A:62:78:6F:78 UTAP_1.1_ESP32_NFC_WIFI_BLE.izsp
  8. In UART, type: iotize_pgm GU,<COMPortNumber> U<Filename.izsp>
    For example: iotize_pgm GU,COM4 UTAP_1.1_ESP32_NFC_WIFI_BLE.izsp

Important note

By default, the firmware update files are encrypted with a unique key associated to the specified TAP. This key is a Read Only data and it is programmed once by IoTize during manufacturing.

For production batches, it is also possible to keep a single key for a set of taps dedicated to a single application. Contact IOTIZE or your distributor if you need a single key for several TAPs. This mode will allow to broadcast a single firmware update file to several taps.

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