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3 Stroke demo

It is assumed that you followed the Getting started discovery path and know how to use Studio. See the IoTize Studio manual if you have problems.

Create an app that modifies a value

  1. Open the Sensor demo in IoTize Studio.
  2. Delete all bundles except MySensors.
  3. Select MaxTemp variable and make Propose Submit = Yes.
  4. You can also change the Details for the Generated App | Mode to Slider. harvest
  5. Put your mobile over the Tap, select Setup Relay.
  6. Set Studio | Connection to Tap | Socket host name/IP to the IP address shown on your mobile.
  7. Click Test connection, Configure, Test | Reboot Tap.
  8. Set Mobile App | App Type = Generated App
  9. Click Generate App.
  10. Download the .apk and copy it onto your phone.

Perform a 3-stroke™ configuration

  1. Tap to start the app.
  2. Logon as Admin and change the Max Temp.
  3. Tap your phone on the Tap to write your new Max Temp in the Tap.
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