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TapNPass/Tapioca options

You could refer to serial mode example and modbus example to view practical implementations and screen shots (in the document Getting Started/ TapNPass). The 'SEPAM example' (IoTizeStudio/Examples/SEPAM10/SEPAM10.iotz) is a real industrial ModBus implementation.

Target Settings

These settings determine the way TapNPass communicates with the target system and are accessible from IoTized Application / Target System on the top left pane (the detailed options are in the pane underneath).

  • Type of Target: set this option to 'System (TapNPass)' for TapNPass.
  • Target protocol: 'Serial Standard' or 'Modbus'.

  • 'Modbus': TapNPass and the target communicate using Modbus communication protocol. In this mode, TapNPass is Modbus Master and the target is Modbus Slave.

    • TapNPass can access 'modbus registers',
    • these registers can be attached to Bundles, in a similar way to TapNLink Variables,
    • access can be restricted (read and/or write) for each combination profile / bundle,
    • you can use the Access Control mechanisms to restrict access to the target's registers,
    • IoTize Studio built-in HTML page generator can automatically generate HTML pages, providing access to these Modbus registers,
    • data logging applies to "modbus registers' attached to a bundle (in a similar way to TapNLink variables)
    • the APIs handling "variables" also apply to 'Modbus registers'.
  • 'Serial Standard':

    • TapNPass becomes a simple means of data transmission between the target system and the mobile application.
    • protocol layers must be handled at the application level.
  • The options Identification with LEDs and Enable LEDs can be ignored in the last version of IoTize Studio.

Serial Standard settings

  • Serial port:

  • TapNPass features 3 hardware ports: RS-232, RS-485 and USB.

  • Only one can be enabled and the corresponding configuration ('RS-232', 'RS-485' and 'USB') specifies the default value of the serial port.
  • 'AUTO' means USB if a USB device is connected, RS-232 otherwise.

  • Baudrate: communication speed in bps. You can select Custom to specify your desired value greater than 300bps and less than 300kbps.

  • Parity: check bit for error detection.

  • Length: the number of data bits.

  • Stop bits: end of frame bits.

  • Handshake: synchronization handshaking.

You can modify these options dynamically:

  • from your mobile app, using the relevant APIs.
  • from the IoTize Toolbox app:
  • Your TapNPass is by default pre-configured with IoTize Toolbox app (the NFC tag contains its AAR).
  • This simple app transmits character strings to your target system and displays the answer.
  • It can also be used to test communication.
  • Installation of IoTize Toolbox on your mobile device:
  • If your mobile device is NFC-enabled, tap it on your TapNPass to automatically retrieve the app.
  • Otherwise, install IoTize Toolbox from Google Play Store.

Modbus Settings

When the Target protocol is set to Modbus, TapNPass and the target system communicate in Modbus.

  • Slave Address: If the Modbus communication is between one Master (TapNPass) and one Slave(Target system), you can provide here the Slave unit address to be used as the default address for commands.

  • Timeout: Response timeout (unit = 1/10 s).

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