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Register a TapNLink/TapNPass

  1. Logon to TapCLOUD (if you're not already).
  2. Click on Devices, then + on the bottom right corner.

  1. Find the serial number and unique Product key using one of these methods:

  2. Click on READ FROM TAPNLINK if your Tap is connected with BLE (possible only with Chrome browser on Windows10 / Mac PC with BLE transceiver). Note that you could also use MQTT (more complex for beginners).

  3. Connect with a mobile app "Tap Manager/Sensor demo" and find the information in the 'Info' page.
  4. Connect from IoTize Studio, open IOTZ Explorer |Duetware Configuration | Tap menu (or Test connection button). The information is displayed in the output window.

Note: We assume that you already know how to connect from IoTize Studio or Tap Manager.

  1. Enter the Serial Number and Product Key, click on +Register:

Note: The serial number and the product keys are pre-registered in the TapCLOUD database during manufacturing. Only pre-registered data is accepted.

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