7. Test HTML pages on phone
If you have a Primer, you can use IoTize cloud to store your HTML pages. The upload of the HTML pages is simply done by clicking on the Publish HTML Page button.
- In the Main Menu click on TapCLOUD, select Publish HTML Page.
- Once published successfully, on your mobile:
- Start Tap Manager app.
- Scan the available BLE devices and click on your Tap to connect. If you have an Android device, you can also 'touch' to connect with NFC (if your NFC is enabled).
- Observe the auto-generated HTML page for the anonymous profile.
- Logon as different users to modify some parameters.
If your Tap is configured in 'Access-Point' mode (default for a Primer), Tap Manager will not be able to access to the HTML page on the IOTIZE web server (the browser will try to use the Wi-Fi connection that has no internet access). Therefore, to keep your internet access active, use either a BLE or NFC connection. You could use Wi-Fi but only in network(station) mode. This restriction is valid only for Tap Manager, not for the generated App that does not require an internet access.
If you try to test the HTML pages after configuring without publishing, you will get redirected to the '404 page' because the page does not exist yet. After publishing, if you try again, you could encounter the same issue, even when the page exists because your mobile has kept the redirection in its cache. To avoid these problems while developing, you can specify don't use cache in the Developer options in Tap Manager (sub option of 'App settings' accessible only when you are not connected).
IoTize does not provide any services for hosting or deploying Tap Manager's HTML pages for standard Taps. Please use your own server if you need a unique site for hosting your pages.